The Nonprofit Resource-Based Economy (NRBE) Bloc (movement) is an informal association of scientists, scientific and public organizations, and individuals with the goal of creating a new, modern, and efficient human society. The goal of the NRBE Bloc is to transform the current inefficient world's oligarchic-political structure, or OPS for short, represented by politicians (political parties), oligarchs, and Chrematistics (pseudo-economy), into a scientific, tax-free economy and a state administration system called the Nonprofit Resource-Based Economy (NRBE). See our mission.
You can join the movement here.
Information about what NRBE gives everyone is here.
This site is purely informative and educational. Its goal is to explain what the OPS is, how Chrematistics (capitalism, feudalism, and slavery), socialism, and the NRBE work, without which it is impossible to understand what needs to be done to make life a better place on Earth; whether people will do it or not is another question.
The bloc's basic tenet is that scientists, not politicians, should design the economic system. It does not mean, though, that scientists should rule the country. It means that decisions to fix social problems should be based on a scientific approach and not on promises and opinions, as has been done for hundreds of years, and all promises and slogans offered by politicians and political parties should be removed. Hence, in the NRBE, there are no political intrigues, corruption, fake elections, wars, military conflicts, or information wars waged by various political "clans." Instead of making promises and hunting for enemies, the NRBE Bloc offers concrete scientific solutions that lead every person and country to economic prosperity.
Without the transformation of Chrematistics and OPS into a new and effective system and solving the main problem of society—the deficit of money for people and states—expecting a change for the better on our planet is pointless.
The founder of the block is Dmitry Bonch, the architect of a new theory in physics, the Theory of Absoluteness, which refutes and replaces Lorentz-Einstein's Theory of Relativity. He also developed a new economic system, the NRBE, which is the cornerstone of the block and the reason why this block was created.
The Theory of Absoluteness, Part 1, has already been published, and you can see it in Books section of this website.
Click on the links below and scroll down the page to find out more:
"The stone you builders rejected, which has become the cornerstone"
The Root of all Evil
"Two things are infinite: universe and stupidity" — Albert Einstein
The root of all evil on Earth is that we live on a planet of intellectual and aggressive fools, and this requires an explanation.
A person has two forms of brain activity: intelligence and wisdom. The latter is based on logical thinking. It is generally accepted that there are only a few wise people, and this is normal. In fact, this should not be so. Everyone must be wise. This means that the logical part of the brain must be developed in all people. Unfortunately, this is not the case, and this is precisely what the word “fools” should be understood as. But the worst thing is that these fools are very proud and aggressive, which complicates all the problems on Earth a thousand times.
To understand that this part of the brain is underdeveloped, you need to look at what has happened on Earth over the past 10,000 years. During all this time, not a single economic or social problem was eliminated (not taking into account world wars and local military conflicts). Since money was invented, there has not been enough money for people and states—actually, we experience a perpetual deficit of money. We invented money ourselves; we print it ourselves, but there is no money. In fact, it is not a deficit of money but a deficiency of brains. If these problems occur for 10–20 years, this is understandable. But if they occur for more than 10,000 years, then something is clearly wrong with the head.
Only madmen can do what people do to themselves and the planet they live on. This results from the underdevelopment of wisdom, the logical portion of the brain that drives higher levels of mental activity. Without wisdom, people are like monkeys with a grenade. The grenade plays the role of intelligence in a person. It is quite well developed and strong. But without wisdom, intellect is a terribly destructive force.
Even if you insert artificial intelligence (AI) into monkeys' brains, they will still be monkeys. They will be able to travel to the moon and solve extremely challenging mathematical puzzles, but they will still engage in combat—the only thing that will change is that they will use nuclear weapons and Tomahawk attack missiles rather than rocks and wooden sticks. They will take advantage of each other (exploit each other) to the point of misery because they will not have empathy for their own kind. Additionally, since AI cannot possess compassion because humans (who themselves do not possess it) have ingrained it in the monkeys, they will continue to take advantage of one another and believe that universal access to free housing, healthcare, and education, low retirement ages, and universal pensions are not feasible.
Jesus Christ was the first to point out the main problem: the lack of wisdom (logical thinking in man). Being polite, he politely and gently said, “Be wise...”. He even used parables to help people develop wisdom. But the aggressive “fools” did not understand and killed him. The list of unwise human actions will be presented below.
Unfortunately, what "fools" and wise men consider smart is completely different. They have a completely different worldview and, therefore, different scales of values. Thus, madness on Earth never ceases to exist.
In a country, humans are trying to solve economic and social problems by simply replacing people with other people (they call it democracy). Five hundred years ago, there was no democracy, and just one family ruled the country (monarchy), but the problems were the same as today (poverty, deficit of money, unemployment). In some countries today, there is only one ruler or ruling family (only local governments are changed), for example, in the UAE or Saudi Arabia, but the level of life is higher than in those countries where rulers (presidents) are changed every 4 years; that is, this absolutely has no effect on poverty and unemployment.
On the international level, rulers in one country are trying to replace rulers in another country who do not want to act in the interests of the former. They even invented names for it: spreading democracy or regime change, forgetting that all foreign nations have their own interests. Thus, they deprive other nations of the same right that they themselves exercise (the right to act in the interests of your own country). This results in conflicts and world wars. In other words, the stupidity of mankind has no limits.
One of the goals of the NRBE Block is to make people understand that what people are doing on Earth is insanity, and it’s time to stop it. The NRBE Block, on this website, explains how this insanity can be stopped.