"It is insanity to do the same for 1,000 years and expect a different outcome," — Albert Einstein.
The main issue that mankind faces, since money was invented, is the perpetual financial deficit (deficit of money) that federal budgets and individuals are experiencing, which is the root of all other problems, like low wages, pensions, unemployment, unaffordable high-quality healthcare, education, and housing for all people, the immigration crisis, world wars, local military conflicts, territorial disputes, etc. The absurdity of the situation is that we humans, with our brains, are able to invent money and print it but are unable to solve the financial deficit. In other words, the monetary system that we have created is ineffective. To put it another way, it would be like building a car that can only go in one direction since politicians, not scientists, designed it.
Financial Deficit for Budgets
Humans are trying to solve this problem by imposing tribute on other humans, just like hundreds of years ago (the human brain has not changed since then). The only difference is that today, the tribute is called a tax. This method is ineffective, even though today we pay taxes regularly, while tribute was paid only once in a while in the past; hence, there is still a financial deficit in the budgets and all countries are in debt.
Financial Deficit for Individuals
Over 90% of income for individuals comes from private companies in the form of wages (businesses pay money to workers, not the other way around), so there is no other source of income for wage workers. When businesses do not make enough money, they pay workers less. This is the reason for the money deficit for wage workers. Plus, wage workers and businesses have to pay taxes. When workers make less money, they buy fewer products and services, and businesses get less profit. When the companies don't make enough money, they raise prices for goods and services, lay off employees, or don't provide jobs, which results in unemployment and poverty. We get the vicious circle. People are dissatisfied with this situation, and in order to make them happy, political parties, presidents, and, most importantly, elections were created, promising to eliminate all the problems mentioned above.
This process of giving false hope is called democracy. This happened because, before democracy, there was a monarchy, where monarchs (oligarchs) and their governments ruled. And people thought that the problem of poverty was due to power in the country. The authorities, in order to deflect blame from themselves, came up with elections: if the economy does not suit you, choose your president or politician who will fix all the problems (although all this is fiction since political opposition parties and many politicians sit in power forever, just like monarchs).
In reality, money, jobs, and low prices should be demanded from businesses (which also include banks and exchanges), that is, the economic system itself, and not from governments and rulers (presidents, kings, monarchs, and parties) who have no influence on them. And since the economic system (chrematistics) itself is based on profit, which comes and goes, poverty and unemployment never end. Banks, exchanges, and businesses do not care about hired workers; they need profit.
Socialism solves the problem of unemployment and provides free healthcare, education, and even free apartments, but it does not solve the problem of the money deficit. Ask people who lived in the USSR, and they will tell you that with all the socialist advantages (free healthcare, dentists, apartments, and education), many people did not make enough money and wanted to get richer. Capitalism is beneficial because it gives at least a small part of society the opportunity to get very rich. In socialism, there is no such possibility since there are no business owners and all people (including the government) are employees. Such an impossibility to get super-rich in socialism is called "leveling". In order to somehow become super-rich, those who worked in trade and the food industry (managers of warehouses and shops) hid some of the goods, creating an artificial shortage and selling them "under the counter". Therefore, the deficit of goods was added to the deficit of money in the USSR, and among people, it was called an artificial deficit.
NRBE solves the problem of the money deficit itself; therefore, it solves the problems of poverty and unemployment, so taxes, politicians, political parties, and elections are not needed.
There is a similarity between the NRBE economy and Lorentz-Einstein's theory of relativity in the sense that they both completely change people's views on the world and, at the same time, at the beginning cause misunderstanding and complete rejection as they contradict generally accepted human knowledge, as well as a similarity with the creation of cryptocurrency (decentralized economy and finance), which 30 years ago seemed unthinkable.
Information about how NRBE works will be published later. The following are just general outlines of what will be done.
It is possible to replace chrematistics by NRBE quickly (within 1 year), but it will take more time to change people's consciousness from "it's impossible" to "it's possible," so the first stage of the NRBE Block's work is to explain to people that NRBE is not a myth but a reality.
In the NRBE economy, chrematistics is replaced with NRBE. After that, politics disappears by itself. This leads to the transition from a multi-party system to a zero-party system and the abolition of elections. The only elections that can be left are presidential elections.
Political parties only divide people, leading to unnecessary political conflicts and a false sense of freedom. In a human society based on science, where both the country's governance system and the economy are truly created and working for the people's well-being, there is no struggle.
It is important to remember that it is monarchies—oligarchs and dictators—that have created politics and political parties, or democracy, in order to preserve their systems of government. For this, it was necessary to create the illusion of freedom in people's minds so that the latter would think that they themselves chose their destiny when elected political parties and presidents (more information on the emergence of political parties and elections here). In fact, people do not change the economic system; they only change political parties and presidents. Hence, the lives of many people never change for the better. Even though in many countries people do not even change political parties—for example, in the US, both parties stay in power forever (same as a monarchy). As a result, the economic system itself and, hence, all social problems remain in place. This global system of deceiving people has existed for hundreds of years. It was created in order to switch people's attention from the economic system itself to presidents and political parties—supposedly, if something does not work, then the presidents and parties are to blame and not the system itself.
It is just a circus when presidential candidates come onto the stage one after another to tell people how they will create jobs, increase wages, etc., when in fact they cannot change anything. Or when incumbent presidents, in their addresses to the states of the union, tell people how many jobs they have created and how much more money people have started earning under their rule. While the mass media discuss who would run the country better: black, white, male, female, straight, or gay, as if this fact can change the economy. The presidents can change the issues, like the border crisis, abortion, gay rights, and involvement in foreign wars, but they cannot change the latter, that is, low wages, unemployment, low pensions, unaffordable healthcare, dentists, and housing. Many people are asking themselves now why the authorities created the immigration crisis both in Europe and the US. One of the reasons for that is to create the illusion that the level of life goes down because of the immigrants, not because of the system itself. Thus, to preserve the ineffective monetary system longer.
All that has been said above does not mean that there are vile people ruling this world who do all these things on purpose. They are doing their best to solve problems. The problem is that on Earth, weak, superficial (shallow) logical thinking prevails, so humans cannot solve a single problem because, for solving them, wisdom is required.
People only replace politicians (puppets of oligarchs), while the economic system itself, hence the living standards of people, never changes. The so-called opposition parties are not opposition parties at all. They are in power. They call themselves "an opposition" only to fool people who buy this lie.
In chrematistics (capitalism is its 3rd stage), no political party can increase the standards of living—that is, raise a wage, give you a job if there is unemployment, give you a house if you are homeless, cure you if you have no money for health care, increase your pension, eliminate the economic crises that come and go, even if the politicians want it and you demand it. Because in chrematistics all these things are automatically controlled by profit. Therefore, politicians have to “feed” people with their promises, which leads to political struggle. But people believe in politicians and continue to participate in elections.
If the government states that they can change life in your country for the better, that is, they can bring unemployment to 0%, raise the minimum wage and pensions to a fair level, provide all families with housing, free healthcare and dentists, free education, low prices for gasoline, and eliminate crises, then let them publish their program on their website and tell us how they are going to do it. No. None of them publish such a program but limit themselves to general promises because they know that all this is impossible without a replacement of chrematistics; hence, there is no change in sight for people who are waiting for it. The only thing politicians are doing is talking about gay and abortion rights, blaming their predecessors and other political parties, meddling in the internal affairs of foreign powers, and starting new wars.
In reality, what people ought to do is replace chrematistics with a true economy, which should have been created at the beginning of our civilization and which Aristotle spoke about.
It is called the nonprofit resource-based economy (NRBE).
It is not the government and the politicians that must be replaced, but the economy itself. Your standards of living do not depend on the political parties and their promises. They depend on the specific economic system under which you live.
This can be explained by the following examples.
A. In Soviet Socialism, all people were granted totally free healthcare. This included free ambulances, free staying in the hospital with all free treatments, injections, and operations, and free dentists, including all denture materials. The state also provided free and inheritable apartments to all families in the country. Those apartments could be exchanged for any apartment in any corner of the country. Private houses could be bought and sold on the free market in the same way as in capitalism. All people were granted free education (from kindergarten to the highest education); no one was poor; and there were many other social benefits. These benefits did not depend on the city's mayor, the government, or the country's leader. They depended on the economic system. The politicians changed all the time in the Soviet Union, but the benefits remained. These were systemic benefits (advantages) of socialism. This lasted until the system was abolished in 1991.
There were also systemic problems in Soviet socialism because nothing is perfect. For example, no one had the right to run their own business, so no one could become a millionaire because no one was working for you to make you a millionaire. Everyone was working for themselves, getting a monthly salary for their own job that depended on their own skills, efforts, risk, and importance to society. Even high-ranking officials in the government worked for a monthly salary. Find a millionaire who does not have employees, and he will become my teacher—there are none! The exception is talented writers, singers, athletes, and producers who have achieved wealth only through their personal work and talent.
B. In slavery, in the first stage of chrematistics, there were slaves, regardless of the country's leader, political party, or government, until slavery was abolished.
C. In feudalism, in the second stage of chrematistics, there were serfs, regardless of the country's leader and the government, until feudalism was abolished.
D. In chrematistics (which includes slavery, feudalism, and capitalism), regardless of the country's leader, political parties, and government, there are always the poor, the working poor, the unemployed, the homeless, oligarchs, economic crises, and the deficit of money for people and in the budget, and all these problems will always be there until chrematistics is abolished. Because all these problems are created by profit—by the system itself, which is based on profit! Not by the politicians or the government. These systemic problems lead to systemic complaints and systemic promises from politicians to change this—that is, to a systemic political struggle and games.
E. In the exact same way, in NRBE, regardless of the country's leader and government, without politics, politicians, or their promises, NRBE itself automatically provides the following benefits for all people until NRBE is abolished. All these benefits are automatically created by NRBE:
1. Free health care (including all diagnostics, operations, even cancer treatment, hospitalization, etc.).
2. Free dentists (including free fillings, crowns, etc.).
3. Free apartments for life that can be inherited, while the right to build your own home remains.
4. Free education (from elementary to the highest).
5. Fixed prices for all products and services in NRBE (in the private sector of the economy, the prices are not fixed).
6. Excellent salaries ensure an excellent standard of living for all working people.
7. Free land for building your own house.
8. Free public transport services within the country (plane, train, bus).
9. Right to work. Everyone who wants to work can get a job, including retired people who can work until any age.
10. Retirement age: 50-55 years old.
11. A guaranteed pension tied to the employee's salary (today, in many countries, it is not guaranteed yet).
12. Tax-free economy. This is especially difficult to understand because we grew up in a system created by monarchs where the people who do not work take money from those who do. NRBE is a different system. Both the states and people have money, so taxes have become obsolete.
13. The local currency is equal to the most liquid world currency, and it is set by the state.
14. The currency is not tied to anything, not even gold. It is completely independent, and it is a measure of the labor of each person and the means of exchanging labor for goods and services only.
15. The income from sales of the country's natural resources in international trade is shared among all people in the country, so people can exchange money for the most liquid foreign currency at a one-to-one rate for traveling abroad.
16. Low, or almost no, crime and corruption.
17. Free advertising on television, radio, and the Internet.
18. Free funeral services, cemetery space; in NRBE, people live with dignity and die with dignity.
19. Free public sports facilities.
20. No investments or bank loans are required for any projects, from flights to Mars to military projects. There is always money, as well as labor, for any project.
21. Private businesses remain.
22. Risk-free start-ups and no bankruptcy anymore.
23. 100% green food (no chemicals).
24. No political parties and politics.
25. A happy life without stress and economic crisis.
26. No oligarchs, politicians and political parties.
All this can be achieved with the nonprofit resource-based economy (NRBE).