The death penalty is the subject of many disputes, and the main argument against it is erroneous sentences.
The death penalty must be mandatory for intentional homicide, or intentional harm to health, and immediately if there is strong evidence that the person committed the crime. Such solid evidence can be a video material that shows that a person was not provoked by anything, and attacked another person and injured him.
All the talk about turning the other cheek is not appropriate here. In the Bible, they are talking about human relations between healthy people, and not between rabid beasts. It does not say that if a mad dog bites your hand off, then give it another another. It does not say that if the enemy attacked your house or land, then give him your mother. In fact, now there is a civil war of "rabid dogs" against normal people.
The punishment must correspond to the degree of severity. This is the law. And the Bible is not against the law, but for it. Everything in the world is based on laws.
Only this way can we deal with the arrogant and vile killings of people.
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