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Who Is Against the NRBE

Обновлено: 23 окт. 2022 г.

There are people who are for and against the NRBE.

Smart people who want changes and improvement to our lives, want the development of our civilization, and understand how to do it are for the NRBE.

People who are not smart enough hold on to the old system.

Yet, slowly and gradually, wisdom wins. Centuries ago there was Slavery; some people were for slavery, and others were against it. Then there was Feudalism - and again there were those who were for and against it. Finally, those systems were replaced by a more just system, in many cases with revolutions. Had not the wisdom won, we would still live in Slavery, and they would still keep telling us about the beauty of Slavery, and how one can become super rich in the system. They are right - in Slavery and Feudalism one could become super rich (making a fortune off of the labor of other people). Therefore, from their point of view, those systems are great. But, now we all understand that Slavery and Feudalism were criminal systems. The same is true about Capitalism (veiled slavery) now.

Who is against the NRBE

1. The oligarchs who rule this world.

2. The oligarchs-run media.

3. Governments - the leaches and puppets of the oligarchs that support the current criminal system in which they live quite well. They overthrow and destroy the dissenting governments, and impose sanctions and embargos on the countries and peoples who choose their own and different path of development.

4. People who live well in this system. They either do not support or are indifferent to the NRBE or anything new. Even in Slavery and Feudalism, most people always lived quite well, so were completely indifferent to what was happening around them - slaves, serfs, unemployed, poor, homeless, wars, etc. Since the people who suffer most are always in the minority, it’s easier to blame them for everything. The same is happening now.

5. The brainwashed people, who believe in oligarchs-run media propaganda. Here is an example of how the oligarchs' mind control works. People easily swallow these lies like a sweet candy as their mind desperately tries to find at least one plausible reason for the problems in their own country, and it's always easier to blame a foreign country: Example of Oligarchs' propaganda

6. People who sincerely believe that it is impossible to live in the Nonprofit Resource Based Economy, without competition, unemployment, with free education, health care, housing, without the homeless and unemployed people, wars, without the arms race, biological weapons, taxes, crazy inequality and the astonishing corruption that the oligarchs run-media hide from the public. They think so, because they know nothing about the economy, they simply believe in what they hear in the media and read in books written for profit. Or, they know how the current economy works, but they do not have enough capacity to understand something new, unusual, different from the usual pattern.

Because of these people, the chances for change on our planet are slim. It’s like going to a jail and telling prisoners that raping, killing, hitting, and stabbing each other is bad. They would look at you as if you were crazy and did not get you. Their brain can not hold what you are telling them. Same thing with the people in this world. The human brain can not hold the truth that is given to them, because it already holds some sweet stuff there, so there is no room for the bitter truth anymore.

The purpose of the NRBE is to give people the truth, and what they will do with it is their own business. We can just inform you that a better life is possible, where we can all have free health care, free dentists, free housing, almost free public transport services (plane, bus, train, etc.), 0% unemployment, no homeless, wars, arms race, crime, no taxes, free travel to other planets, etc. And all this can be achieved right now. All this is possible with a Tax-Free Nonprofit Resource Based Economy and the willingness of people. This is not a myth or fairy tale, but a reality that people themselves deny, just like those prisoners who deny common sense. All this happens because of the difference in brain capacity and subsequently in different value systems.

The question is not about whether you live well personally or not. The question is if we, as a human race, can change life for the better for all people. The question is whether we live like cavemen or like a real human beings. The choice is yours.

More information will be added here, so visit this page again soon.

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