(Home page)The cornerstone of the movement is Tax Free Nonprofit Resource Based Economy - NRBE - which is built around the Aristotle's vision of real economy, not Chrematistics (fake economy) that we have around the world now. NRBE will eventually replace Capitalism and Socialism (refresh the page to see the latest changes).
NRBE is the ultimate economic system that will lead humanity to total prosperity and never be replaced.
If Slavery was created by the stick, Feudalism - by the mill, Capitalism - by the steam engine, NRBE is created by the era of communication - Internet and computer (which means that what a few knew, now everyone will know). The arrival of NRBE to our society is inevitable, and it is only a matter of time when it happens.
This system should have been created at the very dawn of our civilization. Unfortunately, the first dictators (monarchs) seized power and created Slavery, Feudalism, Capitalism in order to enrich themselves and dominate people and natural resources. The founding-fathers of our civilization were slave owners, and we continue living in chrematistics based on their value system. Monarchy was replaced by hundreds of politicians and political parties who sit in congresses almost all their life (like monarchs) and support oligarchs. So the economic and political system basically stays the same.
NRBE changes this. A new era of humanity is coming. No one ever heard of this system so at first it may be somewhat difficult for some to understand it.
Advantages of Nonprofit RBE (NRBE):
1. Free health care (it includes all diagnostics, injections, operations, staying in the hospital - everything).
2. Free dentist (everything is free, even the materials that are used in dentistry).
3. Free housing forever (it cannot be sold, but it can be swapped and inherited). The right to build and own your own housing remains.
4. Free education (from the elementary to the highest).
5. Free fuel (gasoline, gas, etc.). This is absolutely possible in RBE, but the some prices should remain in place in order to save natural resources.
6. Free land, only permission to build housing is required.
7. Free Earth's natural resources- no one makes money on natural resources that belong to all people.
8. Free public transportation services within the country (by plane, train, bus, etc). This is also absolutely possible in NRBE, but some prices should exist in order to save natural resources.
9. Right to work. Everyone can have a job, including senior citizens, who can work at any age. Unemployment is 0%. Even retired people can work if they want to.
10. Retirement age: 55 - for women, 60 - for men.
11. Retirement pension is tied to the employee's wage and depends on the work experience.
12. NRBE is a tax-free economy, no taxes. This is especially hard to understand for many because we all grew up in the system created by the monarchs and that is based on theft, that is people who did not work took money form those who did. In NRBE there is always enough money for all so the taxes simply not needed anymore. More information on this will be below.
13. Local currency is always equal to the most liquid world's currency, and is set by the state.
14. The local currency is not tied to any international currency, or gold. It is completely independent, and it is a measure of labor of each person, only.
15. All transactions between businesses in social production within the country are conducted without money. This simplifies all business operations and leads to unprecedented technological advances.
16. The profit from sales of the country's natural resources to foreign countries is shared with all people in the form of the most liquid foreign currency. This means that people can exchange the local currency for the most liquid foreign currency at the rate of one to one.
17. Crime and corruption are significantly reduced or completely eliminated because in such a society they become obsolete.
18. Free advertising on TV, radio, and internet.
19. No investments and loans are required for any projects, from travel to Mars to any civil or military project. There is always money available for any project, as well as labor force.
20. The right to own your own individual business remains.
21. No international crises and international sanctions can affect country's economy.
22. 100% Risk-free state bank.
23. Free funeral services and a place on a cemetery for all people. This is how the real human beings must live and die.
24. Risk-free business start ups.
25. A happy life without stress, 100% organic foods.
Is NRBE possible?
Yes it is. NRBE is built around RBE (Resource Based Economy) which already works, but, it works only for a very small group of people.
The basis of RBE are the human and material resources.
Material resources are all the products and services created by the human resources.
Human resources are all the labor force, human capital, all people who work in the country.
Only two middlemen make money on these two resources:
1. Business owners (in Slavery - Slave owners, in Feudalism - Land owners, in Capitalism - Money owners, aka Capital owners). That is, the owners of the means of production.
2. Power (politicians) and the media, who make sure that nobody changes the economic system. When the politicians make sure that it is not changed in other countries, and make money on the resources of other countries, then it is called - Imperialism.
All of them make a profit on RBE, and all other people just get crumbs from the table.
The purpose of Nonprofit RBE is so that all people would benefit from the resources.
This can be achieved by the following:
1. Concept of profit is eliminated from the social production. This is achieved by creation of Noneprofit Resource Based Economy (NRBE).
Nonprofit RBE Concept
(see slides in the end of this page that explain how NRBE works)
Labor has become social long ago, so there is a relatively a few self-employed individuals who work for profit in private individual profit-based production - that is, the more bricks you make and sell, the more profit you make.
Over 95% of people work for a wage (not for profit) in the social production (in large groups, society). This is why, the economy is 95% based on the social production.
Yet, the business owners (the middlemen) work for profit. They make a profit on the human and materials resources, who work and create them for the middlemen. The more human resources and productivity, the more products or services, the more profit. That is, they work in the private production (profit-based), and earn money on selling the material resources to the human resources who have created them. This is why, the business owners are called - the middlemen.
The profit they make is useless for the society. And, we would not have to worry about it, if it did not do a harm to it. The harm is that if there is a profit, there is always a loss somewhere. So we get a profit-losses based production.
Therefore, Feudalism, Capitalism, and Socialism are profitable and at the same time unprofitable systems, in which there is a chronic lack of money, therefore, we need budgets and taxes. Most people in the developed countries and the countries themselves live in debt. Society has money, but not enough money either for people, and for the states. For example, we need to fly to the Mars, or to the Moon, but they say - there is no money. The cleaning lady works all day, but she doesn't make enough money. If it is necessary to make masks against a virus, or lung ventilators, businesses calculate losses and profits, and if they see that it is unprofitable, then they will not make them. If a meteorite is approaching the earth, which can destroy all life on our planet, businesses start calculating losses and profits, and if there is no profit, no one wants to do anything about it. If we need to build, or rebuild, highways, roads, schools, bridges, they say the same thing - no money. Although, there are human resources that can to do this, and willing to work. But, no one wants to do anything if there is no profit. This works the same for everything. This is why, there is unemployment, poverty, wars, arms race, etc., in the world, although we have everything needed to solve this - the material and human resources - but we can't because someone makes a profit. The is absurd. And this absurdity is caused by the human greed at the very top (the elite), and the lack of thinking at the very bottom (working class).
Socialism takes social production under the control of the people and removes private production, therefore eliminates unemployment and exploitation of man by man (that is, the worker gets the profit from the production in the form of free (not tax-based) health care, free dentists, free education, free and inheritable apartments for life, free land, and other social services), but it keeps the profit-based system in place, therefore, it does not differ from Capitalism, which is a profit-losses-based economy.
The elimination of the concept of profit means that we create a single state Conglomerate, a state nonprofit corporation, that works on creation of the only good and service for all people that is called - the material resources of the country. All businesses of the country work for the same owner, same corporation (who is also the consumer), and their goal is not making a profit, but creating the material resources (goods and services) and jobs. For example, a brick factory in NRBE does not make bricks in order to sell them and make a profit. Its purpose is only to make bricks. Construction companies do not build houses for profit, they simply build houses. When a construction company needs bricks, they simply go to the nearest brick factory and take as many bricks as they need for free. The factory produces as many bricks as its capacity allows. If they need to increase it, they hire more people. If they want to hire more people, they increase salaries. All people in the social production work for a wage only. In other words, all businesses in social production make transactions among themselves within the country without money. Money is a measure of the labor of each person, and a means of exchanging human labor for the material resources.
It's like when you work for a corporation, the cleaning lady who works in it does not ask you for money when cleans the floors in your office, and when you go to the warehouse, the storekeeper does not sell or rent you a screwdriver. Since you all work for the same corporation for a wage. And as practice shows, such system in which all employees of the corporation work for a wage works fine in our society.
All transactions between businesses in social production in NRBE are carried out in the same way as before, but without money, since they all work for the same corporation, and create the same product - material resources.
It does not apply to those who work individually, in private production, running their own business, since private production exists in the NRBE. For example, singers, musicians, writers, poets, athletes, taxi drivers, film makers, artists, athletes, farmers, and other owners of their own businesses, they all work in the private production for profit.
Both productions can coexist in the same country and even compete with each other. This is a healthy competition. But, the main element of society must always be the social production.
How the single nonprofit state corporation works
The corporation makes a business-plan that specifies the end product that it must create annually. For example, there are 300 million people in the country. The corporation must annually provide everyone with grain, meat, dairy, fish, clothing, housing, it should build and maintain infrastructure in the country, rebuild roads, bridges, etc. It should provide all paid and free services to the people such as free health care, education, public transportation, etc. It should build aircraft, ships, cars, airspace vehicles, etc. All this can be achieved by a single non-profit corporation in which all people work for a wage and all businesses and industries in the corporation work to create the single product - the country's material resources.
This corporation does not need political parties and politicians to operate, as they are not needed for any existing corporation today. Political parties and politicians were created by the so called dictators - monarchs, in order to maintain their own power, nothing else. They cannot build and create anything. They exist only to create the illusion among people that the people themselves rule the country, that is, there is "democracy" in the country. And this deception of the world's population has been going on for thousands of years. And people do not understand this, and keep voting for those who have been sitting in the congress for decades, doing nothing, but an empty talking, while receiving huge incomes and privileges not comparable with the incomes of ordinary working class living from paycheck to paycheck. The politicians are there only to keep the system in which those for whom other people work, earn a million times more than those who work for them. This is veiled slavery.
How is NRBE different from Soviet Socialism?
In Soviet Socialism, the communists simply replaced business owners with business managers (directors) who started working for a wage. Such a system was good in that it eliminates the exploitation of man by man, since the profit now goes to the worker, not to the "planter". But, the profit-losses-based system remains and is the same as Capitalism. Businesses work and sell their products and services to each other for profit. Therefore, businesses and the state chronically lack money, there are profitable and unprofitable enterprises, the local currency depends on gold and foreign currencies, budgets and taxes are needed since there are losses. Therefore, such system does not eliminate the main drawback of Capitalism - the losses-based economy.
Capitalism, Slavery, and Feudalism are not true economic systems. They are criminal systems created by the slave owners to STEAL money from a working person, i.e. earning money off of the labor of the naive population, easily deceived by the mass oligarchs-run media, and if necessary, forced to live in such society. People who do not work can become super rich, and those who work a lot can end up living from paycheck to paycheck. Aristotle called such fake economies Chrematistics, or the science of enrichment, as opposed to the real economy.
In a true economic system, this is impossible, because there are no monetary losses in the production. For example, if someone breaks material resources (machinery, a car, etc.), this would be considered a loss of property due to an accident, negligence, or deliberate damage to property, which all are punishable either by the monetary means or in jail. But, it is not a monetary loss for the business. If the material resources are damaged in a natural disaster, then there is no one to blame, and it is not a monetary loss either. For example, in Capitalism, if an earthquake destroys a city, they would express the damage in the monetary terms, and they must somehow find the money for rebuilding the city, which is not easy in Capitalism. If this happens in NRBE, where there are no monetary losses, and only the loss of the material resources, the economy always have human resources and money available to rebuild the city. So, natural disasters do not affect NRBE economy.
In a true economic system, there is the amount of the material resources produced, the amount of human resources that creates them, and the amount of monetary resources to stimulate labor productivity, and save the material resources (natural resources) from excessive consumption. This is all.
The individual property and production exists in NRBE. An individual business is not a theft - because people earn money on their own labor and talent. It existed long before Capitalism, Feudalism, and Slavery, and can exist in NRBE.
Competition in NRBE
NRBE is the only corporation in the country, so competition is not needed. But, this does not mean that it will work poorly. There is competition among workers within the corporation - the better they work, the greater the productivity and quality of the labor, products and services. Bad workers earn less, and the good ones earn more. This is the moving force for the economy.
The moving force for the technological progress is the wage stimulation of the personnel responsible for it - these are scientists, inventors, and workers responsible for the implementation of inventions and discoveries. For example, there are aircraft manufacturers in the country that manufacture different aircraft, if scientists have created a new engine that can run on solar energy, they immediately contact the staff responsible for the implementation of inventions, which will redesign the production and start making new engines, and the old ones will be recycled. Since there is no profit in the production, hence no losses, expenses and budgets, so everything is done quickly. What is needed are the human resources, which are always there, and the monetary resources (money) to pay them for their work, which are also always there.
If a certain aircraft consumes more fuel than others, or has worse characteristics or demand, then it will be removed from the production and recycled, and production will be redesigned to create better aircraft. There are no monetary losses, so everything is done quickly and without problems. And, this concept applies to everything - from rebuilding roads, schools and hospitals to flights to another planets. And in Capitalism there is never money in the budget for all these projects.
Another example. There are two stores - one is in a busy place where sales are high and a lot of goods are sold daily, and the other one is in the countryside, where there are fewer people and the sales are low. Since there is no profit in the production, therefore no losses, the store in the village simply sells less. If there is a demand for the service, it must exist there - everything is determined by expediency, not by profit.
Concept of Money in social production in NRBE
It is a measure of labor, and a commodity coupon, with which people can exchange their labor for the material resources. For this reason, such money is absolutely not tied to precious metals, foreign currency, etc., and can be equated to the most liquid foreign currency at one to one rate. Prices for the material resources and wages are set in such a way that everyone can buy everything they need for a living.
Wages can be fixed and never change (minimum wage), and only bonuses can change and reach up to 200%, or even more, depending on the productivity of each person in order to create the incentive to work better and to move economy forward. In NRBE, the wages are not limited by the profit as in other economic systems, therefore, they are determined only by the expediency, so the minimum wage is always high, poverty is eliminated forever.
And now, the most important thing. In NRBE, money simply circulates, first from the corporation to the employees in the form of wages, and then, from the employees back to the corporation when they buy products and services. Therefore, there is never a shortage of money in such system. There is money for any project, so taxes are not needed. It's not like in Capitalism, where there is a permanent lack of money both for the people, and for the states so they have to impose taxes on people.
As you can see, NRBE is driven by the wage of each person, while Capitalism is driven by the profit made by just a small group of people. NRBE economy is much more productive than Capitalism, and all people benefit from it.
We must understand that we do not need the political parties to make bread, build a house, or a car. We do not need the owners of the material resources who put a price tag on them and resell them to us. Business managers do not need the business owners, because they can run businesses without them. We do not need those middle men, they need us, to make them rich.
The political parties are the greatest middle men and parasites of all. By their duty, they were called upon to build a just society, but they've done nothing for hundreds of years. They only talk, but, the reward for it is millions times more than it should be. They keep the existing economic system in order to enrich themselves.
NRBE changes it, and creates a system in which each person earns money only on thir own labor, and not because the price for the barrel of oil has risen because there was an explosion on the moon, or a spot on the sun has appeared.
The purpose of NRBE is:
1. To give a job to every person.
2. To create the material resources (goods and services).
3. To assess each person’s labor in monetary terms.
4. Link wages to the prices of goods and services so that people could earn enough money to buy the material resources, make enough money for retirement, and for a rainy day.
Each person works in order to create the material resources, earn money to purchase them, and save money for retirement. In this system, everyone gets paid depending on the work they do.
Private production in NRBE remains unchanged. Wage workers can work either in private and social production. The exploitation of man by man remains, but, it is not voluntary slavery as in Capitalism. The wage worker works for a private business only when the salary offered is higher than in the social production. The wage worker can always return to the social production where there are always jobs, so people are not threatened by the unemployment, and forced into voluntary slavery.
Wage workers decide. It's not like in Capitalism and Socialism, where in the former people are exploited in the social production, and in the latter the private production is prohibited. In this sense, the NRBE is the most democratic economic system in the world.
Start-ups in NRBE are absolutely risk-free. The NRBE corporation helps talented people to start their own business. No investments, loans are needed, and there are no bankruptcies.
How Social Production Works
How many people work in a particular industry, organization, what prices and salaries, minimum wages and pensions are - all this is determined by expediency. There is always money for wages and retirement. Which goods are produced is determined by the talent of the designers and scientists, who in NRBE earn highest wages to encourage the technological progress.
The system is very simple and fast to implement. It can be implemented within a month. Everything is simplified. There is no need for taxes, budgets, and money transactions between businesses. There is no profit, so no losses, and no budget is required.
But, this does not mean that there is no accounting. Accounting in all businesses is carried out as usual so that there would be no theft and damage to the material resources for which there is always either a criminal and monetary liability.
Wage worker in social production in NRBE
Wage workers in the social production work as before. What changes for them are higher wages, they work without haste and stress, and they do not get fired simply because the business owner wants to make a profit. The reason for dismissal can be bad work, absenteeism and bad behavior at work.
If they work well, they get monthly and annual bonuses, and higher pension. If they work bad, the bonuses are removed, if they work worse, then they get fired and an entry in the resume is made which will affect the salary in their next job. This serves as "carrot and stick" for the good work incentive. All people are always get a job. If a person works poorly, he must earn less, but he has the right to work and earn money according to his skills and efforts. Therefore, the unemployment is 0% in NRBE.
The motivation for work in NRBE is higher than in Capitalism. The list of advantages of the NRBE above is in itself the best motivation.
For example, you are a doctor, teacher, construction worker, business manager, scientist, public transportation driver, or even the president of a country ... it doesn't matter - all people, without exception, work for the none profit corporation. You just go to work and do your job. At the end of the month, you get your salary which corresponds to your profession, and if you have worked well, you get the bonuses. You go to the store and buy things and services. The money you pay for the goods in the store or for the services is returned to the corporation. Then the corporation gives you this money in the form of a wage again. This cycle repeats over and over again.
Suppose you are a doctor or a teacher, people come to you and you treat or teach them for free because you work for a wage. If you are a construction worker, you build houses, and the corporation gives them to people for free. If you are a bus driver, a train driver, or a pilot, people ride for free because you work for a wage. Thus, people receive free education, free medical care, free housing, free public transportation (bus, plane, train). So, there is always money for any project, for anything, for good wages and pensions. All people live well, there is no poverty and unemployment.
Executive staff in social production
They work as usual, but all transactions between the businesses are done without money because all social production businesses belong to the same corporation. Sales are made only to the public (for example, if you are a store). If you are an aircraft engine factory, then all transactions with other social production businesses are done without money.
The theft and damage of property is punished in the same way as in any other economic system. The incentive for good work for management and executive personnel is the same as for all wage workers. In other aspect, you work in the same way as in Capitalism.
Now let's see how the system works on real examples
You are a worker, not a business manager. You wake up in the morning and go to work, refuel your car almost for free at a gas station.
If you are using public transportation, then it is free. If you go by taxi you must pay for it.
On the way to work you stop for breakfast and a haircut.
You arrive at work, do your work, then go home.
After work you go to a store to buy everything you need, then go to the cinema, or a concert.
The next day you go on a vacation. If in the same country and by plane, train, bus - then it is free. If you want to go abroad, then you have to pay for the trip.
Let's say you got fired for absenteeism. You go to the unemployment office in your city. They immediately find you a job according to your profession, skills and demand. Since there was a truancy, now they give you a lower wage. If there was no truancy or absenteeism then the same, or even higher wage, depending on the demand in the industry. Since there is right to a job you can always get a job.
You always have to pay the utility bills - light, water, heating, etc. But, it is not done to make a profit. It is done to save the natural resources. Otherwise people would not save water, electricity, etc. Wanna build your own home? No problem. Just get a permit for the construction in the desired area, buy building materials, hire construction workers, pay them, and this is all. The land is free.
Social and Individual Farms in NRBE
There are NRBE farms and individual farms in NRBE.
All products are daily delivered to the social production stores, and the farmers do not have to go anywhere. For example, trucks drive through the farms, and collect all farm's products and bring them to the stores. Payment to the private owners for the products is made right on the spot. Since social production (public stores) do not work for profit, all products in the stores are sold to people without any added value. Each individual farm makes a profit immediately.
In Capitalism less and less people want to work in agriculture, because of high risks, and for other reasons. In NRBE it is easy to attract people to work on farms with high wages, free and comfortable housing and large plots of free land. In NRBE there is always money for this, the farmer business becomes risk-free.
International trade
The international trade can be conducted in any foreign currency. All country's natural resources belong to NRBE corporation - that is, to the people. This is why the private production can only import and export goods and services, and cannot sell country's natural resources. All profit from the international trade in NRBE is shared among all people in the country. This means that foreign currency from the trade can be exchanged for the local currency at one-to-one rate. So, any person traveling on a vacation abroad can exchange the local currency for any currency at one-to-one rate.
All imported products will be significantly cheaper than in Capitalism, for the following reasons:
1. In social production, people work for wages, not for profit. Therefore, imported goods have only two prices - the selling price of the country of origin, and the delivery price. No extra charges.
2. Exchange rate is always one-to-one and is set by the state.
For example, if one hundred engines in Italy cost one million of the US dollars. Then, if imported say to Russia, they will cost one million of rubles, plus shipping say ten thousands of the US dollars, or ten thousands of rubles. And that’s all. No additional costs, taxes, duties, etc.
In the international trade all countries will act as individuals who own their own business and work in private production.
Of course, the middlemen (money owners, government and the media) will be convincing you that economy cannot exist without them. The reason is obvious. It is easier for them to make a fortune on the labor of other people.
If you have questions leave them in the comments below. Ask a specific question and provide a specific situation in which you think NRBE will not work, and we will show you that you are wrong. NRBE works in all situations. We will answer your questions below and on our YouTube channel.
The creator of the NRBE is an Aviation Engineer Dmitry Bonch, who in January 2020 refuted Albert Einstein's Relativistic Time Dilation and Special Theory of Relativity, thereby ending the decades-old mistake of science. If you are interested, you can watch his YouTube channel on this topic here.
What should I have to do to make this system a reality?
If you are an ordinary person, then you do not have to do anything. You just need to know that it is possible. Only knowledge of the truth leads everyone to well-being and prosperity. If you want to speed up the arrival of this system in our life, you can share this news with your loved ones or on your Facebook page and other social networks.
If you are a politician or public figure who want to become a leader of the movement, then contact us.
Thank you.
@Michael Krmn. Hey Michael, do not worry, it sounds complicated but its not. In the beginning i could not understand it too. But, its simple. Suppose you are a doctor, teacher, construction worker, business manager, president of the country..... it does not matter - all people work for the same state corporation in NRBE that includes all businesses in the country. You simply go to work and do your job. In the end of the month you get your salary from the corporation according to your job and bonuses if you worked well. You go to the stores and buy stuff and services. The money you pay for the stuff in the store go back to the corporation. This cycle…
Where will wages come from if no additional cost is created upon producing? What is a meaning of "higher" wages if everyone has got enough cash in a pocket? How would a physical volume of products to be estimated to meet demand of 100% cash-rich? Where will money come for defence, education, health care, age pentions etc if no taxes-no additional value of goods and services to be produced?
@Michael Krmn, What do you mean by the "personal resource"? If you mean wage, then wages are much higher in NRBE than in Capitalism, and the minimum wage is above the poverty level, which means that even with the minimum wage you are not poor, because poverty is totally eliminated in NRBE.
A mix of naive dreams and utopic suggestion my impression of this story is.
For instance, how will one build own home lacking of personal resource in a barter - driven society?
Not speaking more of.