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History of Russia -First Socialist Country


Обновлено: 15 нояб. 2020 г.

The main objective of our movement is to restore the true history of Russia, based on facts, and not on politics.

1. For almost 1000 years, the Russian Empire had been ruled by a small group of people (family), which would now be called a regime or dictatorship. But, not only that. Feudalism and serfdom existed until 1861, which was actually slavery. Since Russia was an agrarian country, and 80% were peasants, it can be said that 80% of the country's population were slaves.

2. After its abolition in 1861, practically nothing has changed for the peasants, therefore, uprisings and unrest continued almost up to 1900, which were brutally suppressed by the Czar's regime. Here is a copy of the Wikipedia article on the abolition of serfdom in Russia and what it led to:

Abolition of serfdom

3. As a result, in 1905 the first revolution takes place in Russia because of the reasons stated above and huge inequality - some were slaves, others were Lords. As a result, Czar's dictatorship makes concessions to the rich stratum of society that had formed by that time and also longed for power, and political parties were being created for the first time in Russia. The leading political party, naturally, becomes the party of the rich - the Whites. At the same time, a working class party was being created, the Bolshevik party, which wins the elections in the Russian Senate, hence the name Bolsheviks (Majority).

4. In 1917, the second revolution, this time Socialist Revolution, takes place. For the first time in history of the world, the working class, workers and peasants leaded by the Reds or the Bolsheviks seek to come to power. The rich were not happy about it at all. The civil war begins, which lasts 5 years on the battlefields only, where the Whites fights against the Reds, and the Western oligarchy is fighting on the side of the Russian oligarchy, against the party of the people, the party of the working class, on the side of the Czar and the party of the Whites, that is, the puppet party of the former government. Both parties called themselves Socialists, but in reality, the only Socialist party was Bolsheviks' party, that was for the worker liberation.

5. When the fighting on the battlefield ends, the war continues in peacetime. The Western oligarchy is sending huge amounts of money to fight against the working class. As a result, the civil war continued until 1941 on the peaceful front.

In the civil war, many people lost their relatives (250,000 were killed in the battle fields), so many took revenge on the "enemies" from both sides in the peacetime, which led to an increase in casualties in peacetime and the continuation of the war up to the early 40s. The fifth column tried to come to power, in their words they were for the Bolsheviks, but in reality opposed them, and did everything to discredit them. One of those figures was Nikolai Yezhov, who also subjected to repression the supporters of Socialism. During his reign, he repressed 1 million 200 thousand people, and about 700 thousand were executed. He was a homosexual and even repressed his wife. Subsequently, he was convicted of treason and executed.

6. After the creation of the USSR, the Western oligarchy creates a secret world's shadow government (for the first time in the history of mankind), in which it sets the goal of eliminating the USSR and Socialism. Unprecedented propaganda is being conducted against Socialism and the USSR, and the country is being blocked by sanctions, which subsequently had to be lifted. But, the propaganda against Socialism in the West remains up to this day. In order to eliminate Socialism, the shadow world's government brings Hitler to power, who carries out an attack on the USSR. Because, the main goal of the secret world's shadow government was the elimination of Socialism and the USSR.

7. After Hitler lost the war in 1945, the secret world's shadow government forces the Western oligarchy in the United States to impose sanctions against the USSR, which lasted from 1946 until the end of the 80s.

8. In the late 80s, under the onslaught of sanctions, falling oil prices, the arms race and exorbitant spending on the largest army in the world, the Soviet government capitulated and returned to its former regime that existed before 1917. The means of production are nationalized and taken into private hands. Once again slaves and Lords appear on the scene.

Briefly, this can be described as follows: The criminal power of the oligarchy and the dictatorship of one family kept the working and peasant people of Russia as slaves for almost 1000 years, until 1917. From 1917 to 1941 (that is, for 23 years), a bloody civil war was fought for liberation of people from the criminal regime and its ideology, as well as the struggle against the Western oligarchy, which supported the criminal regime. In 1992, the son of Kulaks B.N. Yeltsin, instead of the slave farm laborers as his forefathers dreamed about, he acquired the whole country as wage slaves. His legacy continues to this day.

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