The NRBE Bloc has certain international demands as explained below.
If you think that the tensions in the world are caused by some kind of an evil uncle who loves to do evil, then you are deeply mistaken. All this is caused by the struggle of the oligarchs for the Earth's resources and wealth. This has been going on for more than 2000 years. But, since human life is too short, for all of us it is all happening for the first time in our life.
The history of mankind is bloody wars, and the only reason for that is profit. We must not blame specific people. We must blame the whole system. If you were in the shoes of those who are attacking other countries, impose sanctions and embargoes on them, you would probably do the same, you have to comply, or would not not be allowed to do something else, because it is all done for someone's wealth.
We have already given an example that if we remove all security cameras, alarms, and locks from the stores and houses, then many people would start stealing things. This is why, the expression "being determines consciousness" is right. Of course, in order to attack another country, or impose sanctions on it, they must find a plausible reason, so that people approve it, and not consider them themselves to be criminals, that is, to make people think that there is a real enemy, some evil person or people, who are ruling some country. This is where the oligarch-run media enter the game. They brainwash people on daily basis telling people that there is an evil leader in another country that we must urgently attack, or impose sanctions on the "evil regime".
The only way to stop this silly killings is to change the whole system, remove the oligarchs from power, and force the government to serve people, not the oligarchs. We need to change the "being", and thus we can change the "consciousness". Another example. If we give arms to everyone and allow people shoot at each other, the rivers of blood would run the streets and we see the real nature of human being which is determined by the "being" itself and not by the human "consciousness".
Therefore, our demands are as follows (although changing the entire oligarch's system is a must):
1. Immediately lift all sanctions and embargoes imposed on sovereign countries.
2. Withdraw all troops from foreign countries to which they were sent under different pretexts, without the permission of the governments of those countries.
3. Stop searching for enemies abroad, and create good living conditions for all people in our own country.
More information will be added here so please visit this page again soon.