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Retirement Age. Women - 55, Men- 60.


Обновлено: 4 июн. 2020 г.

The goal of any job, not only making money, but also retirement.

In RBE, all people who work 35-40 years have the right to retire at 55-60 years. Also, all pensioners who want to continue to work have the right to do so. Thanks to our human right to work a retired person can work indefinitely, and no one will fire them only because of their age. This is beneficial for those retirees who, for some reason, have not worked the required 35-40 years till the retirement age.

When a person works part of his money goes in the accumulation fund. The size of pension depends on the type of work that a person does in his life.

More information will be added soon, so visit us later.

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