Capitalism is Slavery. To prove it we need to answer this simple question. What was the reason for Slavery ?
1. To oppress people and make them suffer.
2. Racial prejudices.
3. The world was ruled by maniacs or evil people (for example, many US presidents owned slaves, even while in office, even the US constitution was written by the slave owners).
None of these answers is correct.
The correct answer is this:
4. Slavery was created to make money off of the work of other people.
You cannot make a lot of money by making bricks at your home alone - you can make say 1,000 bricks a day. But, if you own 500 slaves or employees, each of them can make 1,000 bricks, total 500,000 bricks, and you can make a lot of profit. If they make a lot of bricks then you do not have to work, you are just going to supervise them, or hire a supervisor or manager who would do that job for you.
The problem with slavery was that you could exploit blacks and prisoners of war only. You must give them a shelter, food, clothing. Since slaves were a risky investment you should take care of their health. They could revolt and kill you one day. Plus, there are always some people in society who are against slavery and they can blame you for the cruelty. But, there is another way, a better one, which is called Capitalism - "Veiled" Slavery.
In Capitalism slaves can be of any race (blacks, whites, yellow, reds), you do not have to give them a shelter, food, clothing. You just give them some money (wage, salary) so that they could buy or rent all that stuff and take care of their health themselves. They will even thank and worship you for giving them the job, because unemployment in Capitalism is huge. If a slave leaves the slave owner, it is no problem for the latter, because the job lines in Capitalism are longer than the bread lines in Soviet Union at the time of World War Two (NOTE: there were no bread lines in USSR after the war, actually bread was free in all restaurants and schools). So slave owners can always find a new slave. Modern day slaves are allowed to vote, marry, and they have some other freedoms, because the main reason for slavery has always been the profit, not humiliation or oppression.
In Capitalism over 80% of the population work for the modern day planters (Capitalists, or Money Owners). Small business of 1-5 workers, is not Capitalism. Small businesses existed before Capitalism and Feudalism, and even can exist in Socialism, for example in Socialist Yugoslavia people could own their own small business.
Capitalism is when the means of production of the whole industries and natural resources given to us by nature for free, belong to a few people who make a fortune by selling them to the slaves. In Slavery many people owned their own small business, but those who were against Slavery, were not against the small business. Today, the oligarchs-run media present anyone who is against Capitalism as someone who is against the small business, against the freedom to own your own business. This is wrong.
When we say Capitalism is slavery this means that those who do not work (the shareholders) make a fortune off of the work of the wage workers who work from paycheck to paycheck.
Often times, the oligarchs-run media say - Capitalism is not slavery because a wage worker can willfully leave their planter (employer), and start working for another planter, or even become a planter themselves.
This is a lame excuse. Imagine, that all people can own guns and kill each other. Imagine, you go to court and complain about it calling it a crime, and they tell you - Why are you complaining? You are a free person. You can also go and kill other people, this is why it is not a crime. The problem with this thinking is that even if all people were allowed to kill, or own slaves, it would not change the fact that owning slaves and killing people is still a crime.
The planters (oligarchs) try to convince slaves that it's the slaves that need the planters (not vice versa) so that the slaves could live in a civilized and rich country, and without the planters the slaves would be very poor. And the stupid slaves believe it.
The oligarchs-run media also try to convince slaves that any economic system different from Capitalism is their ENEMY. They constantly show in the media how much people suffer in socialism, at the same time imposing more sanctions, embargoes, and cold war against the Socialist countries, so that they have to spend more money on the arms race that is harmful for any country, not only for Socialism.
Socialist countries are in minority, this is why when Capitalist countries (that are in majority) impose sanctions on them the Socialist countries suffer more. This is not because they are Socialist. If the oligarchs imposed sanctions against any Capitalist country that struggles under the burden of Capitalism (for example, Latin America) they would fail even in days, not months, and a civil war would break out. In contrast, Cuba and North Korea have been under sanctions for over 60 years, and there is no civil war in sight.
In Socialism there is no slavery. The planters are replaced by managers, and the profit from a business is not stolen from the worker, like in Capitalism, but it's given to the worker, because the planters do not exist in Socialism. Everyone works and gets paid for doing their own job, not for the work done by others like in Capitalism. No one exploits other people.
This is why in Soviet Socialism, even under US sanctions from 1946 till 1990s, people had totally free health care including dentists, totally free apartments inherited by the children that could be swapped for any apartment within the country for free, free land to build your own house, free education from the elementary to the highest, right to a job (no unemployment, homeless people), no poverty, this is why no single protest, no civil war, no strikes, marches etc., which all are a common place in Capitalism.
OF COURSE YOU WILL NOT FIND THIS INFORMATION IN THE OLIGARCHS-RUN MEDIA, who paint Socialism in a different color in their propaganda.
USSR did not collapse, as the oligarchs-run media love to say. In 1991 the Soviet government had changed the economic system from Socialism to Capitalism in order to enrich themselves. Because in Socialism they lived like the ordinary people. Now, they live like the west oligarchs and governments, meanwhile the wage workers lost free health care, free education, and free housing, and their wages are now determined by the slave owners who pay less in order to make more profit. Of course today, in all the former Soviet Republics a lot of people can become super rich by starting their own business ("plantation") and make a fortune off of other people's work. Today the government impose taxation on the wage workers income in order to find money for the partly free health care, or uses insurance scheme to find the money for that, what was unheard in Soviet Union (in USSR workers did not pay taxes from their income). In other words, Capitalism is great for the slave owners who can become super rich, meanwhile the wage workers loose their benefits. So Capitalism works great for the slave owners (money owners) and Socialism works great for the wage workers.
Is Socialism perfect? No. Because like Capitalism, it's a profit based economy. It eliminates poverty, unemployment, inequality, homelessness, stress in life, and many other sins of Capitalism, provides not tax based free health care, education and housing for all people in the country. But, since it is based on profit there is always lack of money both for the people and state, same as in Capitalism. For example, if there is a need for travel to the moon, the government must find money for that somewhere, same as in Capitalism.
Often times we hear the immigrants from the USSR and East Europe say: "Capitalism is great, because we have never seen such beautiful roads, sky scrapers, swimming pools, the big and beautiful houses with all built-in amenities at home." But, this is not because of Socialism.
Even before the Soviet Revolution in 1917, Russian empire was a backward agricultural country, 80% of population were peasants who could not read and write, the former serfs, who were freed only in 1862 and lived in poverty. There were no good roads, or no roads at all, peasants did not even ware shoes, they wore bast shoe. There were no light bulbs in the villages. No one has ever seen a skyscraper, swimming pools. The houses in most cases were wooden. The country was spiraling down as a result of Feudalism and Capitalism. The inequality was astonishing. That is why there were uprisings going on until 1900. All this ended up with the 1905 and then 1917 revolutions.
Meanwhile, even before 1900 there were many skyscrapers in the US, excellent roads, good transportation, swimming pools, excellent big houses. The Soviet revolution and Socialism gave a lot of benefits to the Soviet people, as explained above. But, it cannot change the way people are. For example, there is Capitalism in Latin America (they have never experienced Socialism). But, if you compare their Capitalism with Capitalism in the US or Europe, you will see a huge difference - they are impoverished nations where Capitalism does not work at all and many people try to run away from them to a more advanced countries like the US, Canada and Europe. Not all countries are the same. Some have special characteristics that make them different. Even today, there are skyscrapers only in 3 cities in Russia. So, the reason for why some countries are more advanced, or less advanced, is not Socialism or Capitalism.
There is also an opinion that Capitalism is great because one can become super rich in Capitalism. But, in Slavery and Feudalism, one could also become rich, and many were. Then, following this logic, we need to return to Slavery and Feudalism. The problem is that in all these systems there are homeless, unemployed people, people who do not have money for health care and die, today 80% of the Earth's population lives in poverty. Plus, the wars for the natural resources waged by the oligarchs, arms race, food stuffed with chemicals in the pursuit of profit. Therefore, the question is not about who lives well and who doesn't (most people live well in these two systems), but about morality and whether we as a human society can live much better, where everyone lives quite well, not a few, where there is no unemployment, homeless, poverty, where everyone can afford health care and dentist service of the highest quality for all, not only for the rich as it is in Capitalism. The answer is yes. But, the oligarchs ruling this world tell you no.
What replaces both Capitalism and Socialism and leads to unprecedented prosperity of mankind is Tax Free None Profit Resource Based Economy (NRBE). Sound impossible? Right. After living for two thousands years in the world of the oligarchs' lies and propaganda it sounds impossible. In reality it is possible.
More information about NRBE can be found here:
Capitalism Main Features (oligarchs do not want you to know)
Slavery, Feudalism and Capitalism were created by the dictators - the monarchs. Their goals were not high and spiritual, such as creating a wonderful life on earth, or creating a just society, eliminate poverty, slavery, homelessness, wars. They had purely mercantile goals - to make themselves super rich at any cost.
Capitalism is not simply the private production (private ownership), capital accumulation, voluntary participation, free markets, wage labor, competition, as the oligarchs say, because all this existed in Slavery and Feudalism. The main features of Slavery, Feudalism and Capitalism are:
1. Oligarchism (Crony Capitalism) - that is, when capital and oligarchs rule the state, and create policies and laws beneficial for the money owners in Capitalism, for the slave owners in Slavery, for the land owners (Lords) in Feudalism, and never for the people - the working class. Money corrupts in the money deficient societies (Capitalism and Socialism), and a lot of money corrupts a lot more (Capitalism). The more money, the more corruption and the crime that corrupt oligarchs-run media hide from the public. And the highest crimes are wars and sanctions by which they kill and impoverish millions of people in foreign countries (not their own people). This happens in all capitalist countries, without exception. The so-called democracy was invented by the monarchs (dictators), in order to hold a grip on power at the times of unrest among the workers in Europe to create the illusion of freedom. Democracy simply means that people can choose their president and political parties, not the system. But, all of them without exception represent the system, the money owners - none of them represents the working class. Instead of one monarch, now we have hundreds of them in the form of the political parties and elected presidents who sit in congress for decades or all their life (like monarchs), but the system itself is fundamentally the same where oligarchs rule the state. As we can see, democracy and justice are not the same thing, as many people wrongly think. A good example of such fake democracy invented by the oligarchs for oligarchs is the US. Centuries ago, democracy, political parties, elected presidents existed in the US, there were no monarchs anymore, yet there was Slavery. Even the presidents themselves owned slaves, and many of them while in office. Thomas Jefferson owned over 300 slaves while in office and even had sex with them. There has never been a single opposition political party in the US that represented the working class. There is just one party with two labels - Republicans and Democrats - and no opposition at all, because both these parties sit in power playing games with the people doing absolutely nothing apart from waging wars and embargo of foreign countries for profit.
2. Natural Resources Belong to Oligarchs. In Capitalism, the land, Earth's resources, the free stuff given to us by nature, belongs to a few people (the money owners) or the government, who are the only ones who manage and make profit on them.
3. Oligarchs-Run Media. All media are owned by the money owners. What you hear in the media is controlled by them, that is, by Capitalists. You will hardly find a bit of the truth there. The truth is sold and bought, as well as the lie. Whoever owns the media, owns the ears and the eyes of the people, actually owns people, dominates people. If you think that you know what Capitalism is and how great it is, it is because they told you so.
4. Means of Production Belong to Oligarchs. All means of production are privately owned in Capitalism (not publicly owned as in Socialism). This includes the defense industry that belongs to the money owners, thus, they are interested in wars. This leads to the arms sales and profit. The government, the tool of the oligarchs, will never tell you this. On the contrary, they whine all the time that they do not want wars and spending, and they simply have to do this. Yet, the only reason for a war is the profit. Examples are constant wars for the territory and natural resources, the colonization of the entire continents, the extermination of the local residents there (ex, Indians in the US), wars for the "oil plantations" in the Middle East under false pretexts now, sanctions under false pretexts, opium wars, drugs business, human organs trafficking, arms sales, etc.
In the West, the means of production have been in the hands of the capitalists for hundreds of years, so it’s hard to find out how they were acquired. As for the means of production in Russia and other East European former socialist countries, there is no question for anyone that no one earned them with a hard labor from a scratch. They were simply privatized and in many cases the legality of those actions is questionable. In Socialism people really owned them, and the profit earned from the business was given to the worker.
5. Social Production Considered a Crime by Oligarchs. In Capitalism there is no social (state) production which is considered a crime. This leads to unemployment. There is no single law that obliges "the planter" to help a person who can not find a job. And if there is no job, then there is no life. A person without a job cannot pay for housing, education, health care, medicine, so in the end he can lose the housing, stay on the street and actually doomed to die. Capitalism shows complete indifference for human life, same as slavery. Your fate is only in the hands of the good people who may or may not help you. If not, then you are dead. The government's duty supposed to be to create a just society. But they have done nothing since the dawn of civilization. The question is: why do we need such governments, why do we vote and feed those parasites in power who are actually rich with all the privileges, yet doing nothing for the wage workers? Neither unemployment or homelessness threatens them; they always have enough funds for health care.
It is clear who benefits from Capitalism. Socialism is a great problem for the oligarchs who own the Earth's natural resources, land, the media and exorbitant power. If you own a medium-sized, or even large-scale business, Socialism does not make harm to you. Because Socialism allows you to own your private production (private business). In USSR, people could be self employed, but the privately owned business was not allowed because over 1,000 years the working class suffered a lot under the yoke of Feudalism, people came to hate any exploitation, which led to the 1905, then 1917 revolutions and the civil war (1918-1923) which the working class won, even though the west oligarchs were fighting on the side of Czar (American troops were sent to Siberia to fight against the reds). The memory of that exploitation and slavery made people hate Capitalism. But, today, there is a new generation of people who've never experienced slavery in their life, so the presence of both systems in one country can allow people to choose the system they like.
Our movement is for both, the social and private production, that is, for private and social businesses, where people themselves can decide where they want to work.The oligarchs are against Socialism, because they are afraid of losing their unlimited power over the state, over the minds and souls of people, over the media, over the natural resources of our planet and their unbelievably huge wealth. That is why they wage a merciless war against Socialism, conduct unprecedented anti Socialism propaganda, impose sanctions on any Socialist country, or any country that even starts thinking about having something social (ex. Venezuela)- be it the media, or a nationalized economic system like the social production.
If you support Capitalism, and think that you support private business, you are wrong. You simply support oligarchs. They have convinced you that Socialism your enemy and you need to fight against it, and you as patriots loving your country do so, thinking that you protect your country and themselves. No, you don't. You only protect oligarchs and their wealth.
The ultimate economic system that replaces Capitalism and Socialism that will never change is None Profit Resource Based Economy NRBE which will lead mankind to unprecedented prosperity. Of course, oligarchs do not want you to know about it. They want you to live as cavemen - work more, and think less.