Is there a connection between the two? Seems to be different concepts, right? It turns out there is a direct link between the two.
Imagine for a second, you come to any food store and there is no food, and they tell you - sorry, the foods are "in the hidden market" so you need to find them. You go search and can not find any. You start complaining and they tell you that it is your own fault that you cannot find foods.
This begs the question - Is food (food's avalability) a human right? It is quite obvious that it is in our society. It does not mean that food must be free, it means that it must be available and no one must hide it, or deliberately create such conditions that people cannot buy it. Therefore food in the modern society is a human right although it is not officially announced in the media. In contrast, if we lived in a forest or jungle, then food would not be a human right, since people could get food on their own.
What about right to work? Is it a human right? If we lived in the forest then it would not be a human right, since everyone could provide themselves with a job, could run their own subsistence economy - build houses, sew clothes, do hunting, fishing, gathering, or work in agriculture.
But in modern society we cannot do it. Therefore, in modern society job is a human right.
The statement that everyone can run their own business is a lie because it is impossible due to the competition, and high risks of loosing your money.
Even if all people were able to run their own business, they would be doomed to a miserable existence for the sake of survival, while bringing no benefit for the society by offering the same service or product. Today, people have higher education and cannot get a job. And in order to get the higher education they invest money in many cases borrowing the money from a bank and then paying off the debt for many years.
In a civilized society jobs must be available like the foods in the stores - you simply choose any job you like according your profession, skills, and education. Of course, the wage should depend on the quality, complexity, its importance to the society, and the level of risk (for example a pilot). But, anyone willing to work must have a job. If they don't work well they earn less, but they must have a job. Competition for a job must be at the workplace, not in finding it.
The reason why there are no jobs is because there is no economy. Many do not even know what real economy is. Capitalism is a criminal organization where those who do not work (politicians and oligarchs) make a lot of money off of those who do work - the employees.
This must be changed as soon as possible.
The NRBE leads to 0% unemployment. Everyone, can get a job and all wages are well known to everyone (not hidden from everyone, as it happens today when the companies offering jobs hide the wages, and people are afraid of talking about them).
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