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Human Right to Work and Food


One could ask - what kind of connection can exist between these two different concepts? As it turns out there is a direct link between the two (refresh the page to see changes).

Imagine for a second, you come to the food stores and there is no food, and they tell you - sorry, the foods are "in the hidden market" so you need to find them. You go to search and can not find any. You start complaining and they tell you that it is your own fault that you cannot find foods.

This begs the question - Is food a human right? It is quite obvious that it exists in our society. It does not mean that food must be free, it means that it must be available in the food stores and no one must hide it, or deliberately create such conditions that it cannot be purchased which could lead to hunger. If this happens then it would mean that the economy is not working, must be adjusted or replaced - otherwise people would revolt. Therefore there is a right to food in modern society although it is not officially announced in the media. In contrast, if we lived in a forest or jungle, then food would not be a human right, since people could get food on their own.

Now, let's think about human right to work. Obviously, if we lived in the forest then no such a right would exist, since everyone could provide themselves with work, for example, could run their own subsistence economy - build a house, sew clothes, and get food via hunting, fishing, gathering, or agriculture.

But, a person in modern society cannot get food, build a house, and sew clothes. He needs money to buy all this stuff and to get the money he must have a job. Therefore, in modern society work is a human right.

The statement that everyone can run their own business in case they loose a job is a lie because not everyone is capable of running their own business. It is impossible because of the strong competition, lack of experience, huge risks and in the end the person simply can end up living on the street.

Even if all people were able to run their own business, they would be doomed to a miserable existence for the sake of survival, while not bringing any benefit to the society by offering the same service or product that already exist in the market. Today, people have higher education and cannot find work. And in order to get the higher education they must invest a lot of money in many cases borrowing the money from a bank and then paying off the debt for many years.

In a civilized society work must be available like the foods in the stores - you simply go and choose any job you like. Of course, the salary should depend on the quality and quantity of labor one does, its complexity, importance to the society, and the level of risk on the job. But, anyone must have a job if they want to. If you don't work well you earn less, but you must have it. Competition for a job must be at the workplace, not in finding it.

The reason why there are no jobs is because there is no economy and many do not even know what economy is. Capitalism is a criminal organization of society in which those who do not work (politicians, oligarchs, and money owners) live much better than those who do work (employees) a lot, and do not have money - of course, with are a few exceptions.

Capitalism, Feudalism and Slavery in essence are the same system called - Chrematistics - the science of enrichment, of making money off of the labor of other people, and the only difference between them is in the degree of worker's rights.

The real economic system that should have been created in the very beginning on our planet that would lead mankind to complete well-being is the Non-Profit Resource Based Economy (NRBE). Until it is created the suffering of people and the delay in the development of our civilization will never end.

If we don't act - nothing will change. If you hope that you will live better with the arrival of a new president or political party you are wrong - nothing will change for you, as nothing has changed for the last 2000 years for all wage workers. If you vote, life will change only for the new party and president. Only by replacing the criminal regime on our planet we can achieve a decent human life for all.

NRBE works in such a way that unemployment is zero percent. Everyone, can immediately get a job. All jobs have fixed salaries known to everyone (not hidden from everyone as it is now when people even ashamed to ask about it) with very high monthly and annual bonuses to stimulate incentive to work well. If a person does not work well he looses the bonuses, or gets fired, and the entry is made in their resume which will affects their future salary. In NRBE no one fires worker for the reason that the business owner wants profit (as its done now) because profit does not exist in NRBE.

The right to own your own business remains in NRBE, yet the risk of starting it is 0% - no investment is required and advertising is totally free.

More information will be added here, so please visit this page again soon.


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