Socialism was the response to slavery and injustice (refresh the page to see the changes).
1. If the Gospel of John starts with - " In the beginning was the Word," the world history starts with - "In the beginning was Slavery" - the power of Slave Owners.
The history of mankind began with the seizure of power by a small group of people - oligarchs, or monarchs (family). Their goal was not to create a just society. They forced people to work and pay taxation in order to enrich themselves, while 90% of the population were poor. They ruled humanity for hundreds of years. At the time the only difference between a worker and slave was that the latter could be killed without trial, while both were the poorest class. This lasted for a very long time. American presidents owned slaves. Thomas Jefferson owned over 300 slaves while he was president of the United States. Slave owners created the constitution and election systems and many countries still abide by their rules and ideology today.
2. Feudalism (semi-slavery) - the power of Land Owners.
The next step was the creation of Feudalism, which was not much different from slavery. The peasants were almost slaves. In many countries Feudalism ended up with revolutions. In other countries, the authorities frightened by the unrest abolished it.
3. Capitalism - the power of Money Owners (Capital Owners).
With the arrival of capitalism, millions of slaves, and serfs, were replaced by the wage workers (wage slaves), who moved to big cities, and worked for Capitalists who had already made a fortune on serfs and slaves, so had money to build factories and plants. It's important to understand that slavery is not when man owns man. Slavery is when man (slave) works for man (slave owner), and the slave owner gets all profit from the business. If man works under the whip, is fed, clothed, sheltered, and protected by the slave owner - it is classic slavery or feudalism. The slave owners figured out that it's easier for them to give money to the slave so he could buy food, clothing, a shelter, than to care about him - in this case it is called voluntary slavery. The slave could choose the master, and even to become one, which was hard without a previously created capital. Nevertheless, this was proclaimed as the greatest achievement of mankind and freedom. The oligarchs claim that Socialism is slavery because the worker "works for the state", which is wrong, because the worker in Socialism is the owner of the means of production, is the master, and gets all the profit from the business in the form of the huge monthly and yearly bonuses, plus totally free (not tax-based) health care, dentist, apartments, education from elementary to the highest, free land to build your own house, and many other social benefits (the list is too big to put it here).
4. Democracy.
The poor living conditions of the workers and peasants lead to the struggle for freedom, but people wrongly thought that it was necessary to replace the monarch, not the system. The unrest forced the monarchs to make concessions and create fake freedom - Democracy. This means that people could elect country's leader (president) and political parties. But, instead of one monarch, people got hundreds of them, in the form of the politicians, political parties, who actually were the oligarchs puppets, who ruled countries behind the scenes and sat in congress for decades, and presidents of countries were changed every 4-6 years, so there was no one to blame for the poverty. Let's not forget that Democracy existed in Ancient Rome, in Slavery - people could vote. Democracy and justice is not the same thing.
In the struggle for justice two main political parties were formed, both called themselves Socialist and the defenders of the working class. One was fake Socialist Party, which was the puppet of the oligarchs. And the other was real Socialist Party, which was the party of the workers and peasants, also called Communist, because its final goal was to create money-free society - Communism. In Russia, the former was called Mensheviks (the Whites), and the latter was called Bolsheviks (the Reds). In other countries, like Germany, China, North Korea, Cuba, they had different names, but the essence was the same.
5. Revolutions and civil wars
In Russia, because of the astonishing inequality and oppression of the working class, two revolutions happen. First in 1905, and the second in 1917, followed by the civil war between the Whites and the Reds (1918-1923). The west oligarchs, the Whites (USA, Japan, UK, France) took part in the civil war on the side of the Whites in Russia, against Russian people. Yet, the Whites lost - so strong was the desire of the Russian people to get rid of slavery and oligarchs. Even the sanctions against USSR and total country's blockade before WW2, could not change that. The Whites fled abroad. Only, the US oligarchs sanctions against USSR, the world biggest oil and gas supplier, lasted from 1946 until 1990s when the country switched from Socialism to Capitalism. In 2000s they were resumed again, and are in place to this day.
In China, the Whites lost in the civil war (1945-1949) and fled to Taiwan where they live now. The Reds created Socialist State - People's Republic of China.
In Korea, the civil war led to the division of the country - the Whites fled to South Korea where they live now, supported by the west oligarchs, and the Reds fled to the north of the country - North Korea (Democratic People's Republic of Korea), and live under embargo of the west oligarchs.
In Germany the Whites won the socialist revolution (1918-1919), kicked out the monarch - the emperor Wilhelm II, created Weimar Republic (German Reich), and from that party Adolf Hitler came out later, who hated Socialism and Communism. As soon as he came to power in 1933 he began a crackdown on Communists (the Reds). He blamed the Reichstag's fire on 27 February on the Communists, and 8 years later, on June 22, 1941, attacked USSR to destroy the first germ of freedom (Socialism) on our planet.
In Cuba, the Reds won Socialist revolution and civil war (1953-1959), and created Socialist country. The Whites and the Mafia, who ruled before, fled to Miami, where they live to this day.
As a result, the power today is in the hands of the Whites almost all over the world, who pretend that they are on the side of the working class, but they are not. They are on the side of the oligarchs. The political parties of the oligarchs rule capitalist countries and impose sanctions and embargo on the "Red" states.
Venezuela, economically speaking, is not a Socialist country and sanctions against it were imposed by the oligarchs only because of oil (same with Iran and Syria).
In other words, the oligarchs still rule the world as they ruled 2,000 years ago, this is why there is no change - same wars for natural resources, arms race, nuclear weapons, biological weapons, while 80% of the world's population lives in poverty.
It is very important to know the real history of the world, and not the one told you by the oligarch-run media.
The new economic system that replaces Capitalism and Socialism is None Profit Resource Based Economy (NRBE). See more information about how it works here.